

Maxwell Suggests Three Ways to Improve Your Website

As a mortgage industry professional, having a website is an essential. Your site can help build your brand, get you referral partners, and of course, drive new customers

But there’s a big difference between having just any website and having a great website. If your website is missing key components, like an effective lead form, it may not be serving as a successful tool for your business. Even worse, there are certain mistakes that could actually be turning borrowers off!

Read on for three essential ways to improve your mortgage website, with lots of specific strategies to tackle each upgrade.

1.) Nail the basics

Here are the “basics” we consider essential for a successful mortgage lender’s website:

  • Display a unique and cohesive brand. Consistent branding (logo, colors, font, etc.) throughout the entirety of your site design looks professional.
  • A simple, effective lead form is essential. While it can be tempting to just give your contact information on your site and wait for the calls to roll in, many borrowers want you to put the work in to reach out to them.
  • Absolutely no grammatical errors or site bugs! This comes across as sloppy and unprofessional, and can definitely hurt business. Grammarly is a great tool to ensure your copy is always pristine.
  • Mobile optimization is a must. The volume of mobile search inquiries overtook desktop years ago, so if you’re site isn’t geared up for mobile, you’re losing valuable traffic. Learn more here.


2.) Convey trustworthiness

A top trait homebuyers look for in a loan officer? Someone they can trust. Some suggestions to get this message across on your site:

  • Give potential clients some background on yourself and your team. Fun fact: the “Bio” or “About Me” pageis usually the most clicked page on company websites! Sharing your background and some personal information will help borrowers feel closer to you, and they’re much more likely to trust you once they get to know you.
  • This is not the place to go super sales-y. Your website should display professionalism, not deals, so save your sales pitch for another venue.
  • Include information about your license and certification. Borrowers will be on the lookout.
  • Mention security. This can just be a one-liner or short blurb on your process for keeping borrowers’ data protected. With data security as a top concern for many homebuyers, a quick nod to this topic will go a long way.
  • Show off your 5 star reviews! Potential customers love reviews. They’re reassuring and prove your solid track record.


3.) Put your website to work

What good is a great website if no one sees it? Improve your sites traffic with the following strategies:

  • Create helpful, high-quality content that homebuyers will love. Drive eyes to your site with blog posts for first time homebuyers or through a bi-monthly newsletter with mortgage information.
  • Learn about and implement SEO best practices to gain organic search traffic. Do some research on top keywords and incorporate them into your content.
  • Effectively use paid ads through Google or other platforms to drive high-opportunity traffic to your site.
  • Develop a social media presence. Share articles, such as your blog posts, on Facebook, take pictures at your closings and put them on Instagram, and connect with all of your referral partners on LinkedIn. Be sure to link to your site in your profiles



Mat Ishbia of UWM Talks About FHFA, VA and FHA Changes.
