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Recruiting Younger LOs: Crossing the Generational Divide

As older, more experienced LOs hit retirement age and exit the business, mortgage bankers are under increasing pressure to hire and train younger sales professionals.

Pat SherlockTo successfully recruit these up-and-coming workers, managers need to understand the differences between generations so they can bridge the gap and attract new sales talent.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • A large percentage of Gen Zers (62%) and millennials (60%) are actively or passively looking for a new job, according to Oliver Wyman’s Gen Z Report, 2023.
  • Gen Z employees account for only 15% of the workforce in the U.S. and U.K., but that share is expected to grow to 31% by 2031, according to Wyman’s report.
  • Gen Z sales candidates have distinctive work preferences and attitudes. For example, 85% favor hybrid or remote work environments while 38% are dissatisfied with lack of clarity around advancement, the report noted.

For additional insights, take a look at Visual Capitalist’s infographic, “Charted: Gen Z Job Attitudes Compared with Other Generations.”

Pat Sherlock is the founder of QFS Sales Solutions, an organization that helps organizations improve their sales talent management and performance. For more information, visit


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